Thursday, October 16, 2008

I am new to this

I am almost as good at keeping up on this as I was a keeping a journal on my mission. Jen just entered Lauren in a photo contest. Of course we think she will win because she is the prettiest baby ever.
It just amazes me how fast life seems to be going by. Todd just turned 14. Which means I am very close to 38. Then I realized that when Josh gets home from his mission I will be 40!! Thanks to the years I spent doing masonry my body is telling me that I am that old. Jen and I spent last Monday pulling out evergreen bushes in the front yard. By the time we finished the pile blocked the front of the house. For the next 2 days we both complained about how sore we where.
The reality that our children are getting older is setting in. Everyone has something going on every night. Between young womens for Jen and scouts, we are booked. Ethan and Nick are getting ready to start Jr. Jazz basketball and that will add more to do. I do love that they want me to be involved in all they do.