Thursday, November 20, 2008

The wonderful world of the internet

Last night Jen left for young womens and told me all the kids had to be in bed by 8:30 so she could finish her talk for church on sunday. Like the good husband I think I am all was well at 8:30. She got home and set to work on the computer. I sat down for the first time that night and enjoyed CSI New York in a sub-concious state. I was revived when the news started and decided it was time to retire for the evening. I went into the office to see how her talk was coming. Much to my surprise she had been on facebook the whole time catching up with old friends. So I told her goodnight and went to bed.
Fast forward to today. I decided to find out what facebook was all about. Needless to say I now have an account. What a wonderful world we are living in.